Sponsor: Assemblymember Venicia Considine
Activity of Bills: Revises provisions relating to the habitability of rental property.
Overview: AN ACT relating to real property; authorizing a tenant whose landlord fails to remedy a failure to maintain a dwelling unit in habitable condition to file a verified complaint for expedited relief; revising certain provisions relating to the content and form of written rental agreements; revising provisions relating to the acceptance and payment of rent; revising provisions relating to requirements for habitability; revising provisions relating to the remedies a tenant is authorized to pursue if a landlord fails to remedy certain breaches or failures relating to habitability; providing that certain items and services constitute essential items and services for purposes of such provisions; revising the amounts which a tenant is authorized to recover from a landlord who takes certain unlawful actions or fails to make required disclosures; requiring a landlord to, under certain circumstances, provide a tenant who has terminated a rental agreement with a reasonable length of time to gather his or her belongings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.